Friday, September 17, 2010

A few more crazy days!

September 15, 2010

Another crazy day that didn't go as planned. No surprises there! Joel and Angie both had to be at meetings in the Bay today so I got to watch Anna all day! I love spending time with her so it is never a problem! She came to school with me for the morning and played with Dean. There was a bit of a misunderstanding about Ian so he wasn't in school today. Anna and Dean played so well together. They played out on the playground for a while. At one point they had 4 chairs lined up on the playground and they were pretending it was a bus. Dean was the driver (he said he was Audley) and Anna got on the bus and paid her bus fare, in rocks, and asked to go to Mega-Mart and the beach. It was so funny. I just sat back and laughed. After lunch I went down to the O'Dell's house and put Anna down for a nap. When she was asleep, I went back up and got to work one-on-one with Dean. He is a smart kid and he loves to work! If you can keep him focused long enough to do the work. I have been playing Steve Green's "Hide 'em in your heart" for the kids. A great way to learn bible verses! We don't necessarily listen to learn them, but Dean has already caught on to many of them and sings right along. So fun to see him pick up on that without me having to do anything but listen and sing along with him. Joyel started 2 bible studies tonight. One with the younger kids at Jake's House and one with the older kids up at the big house. Seemed to go well. I got to hold Dwight again tonight while he fell asleep. He is such a stinker when Nurse Smith is here. She is his "Mom" that is looking at fostering or adopting him. He doesn't go to bed when she is here. So while I was rocking him in the babies room, I went over and stood at Jhanelle's bed. I really struggled seeing her tonight. I was questioning God on his plans. Why doesn't he take her? She is miserable laying in that bed. She barely weighs anything and everything about life is a struggle. Then i thought about Quest. I know that I didn't see him when he was so sick, but I questioned why did he take Quest? I miss him so much. I can't even begin to describe what I'm feeling. I feel like I'm questioning everything right now. I am continuing to trust that God has a plan and a purpose for me in every situation that I am going through. Lord, continue to do your work in my life. Help me to remember to praise you in all things. You are worthy of my praise no matter what my circumstances are! Blessed be YOUR NAME!!

September 17, 2010

Wow! What a couple crazy days! Yesterday was Jodi-Ann's 16th birthday! We were hoping to celebrate last night but she came home very upset. On her way up the mountain someone flagged Benji, our driver, down because a boy had fallen 40 feet out of a coconut tree. Jodi saw him and thought it was her cousin. It turned out that it wasn't her cousin, but she was very shaken by this. Joel and Matt were on their way to a Community Development Committee meeting when Benji flagged them down to help. Thankfully with Joel's background he was able to some tests to see if there were major injuries. They ended up strapping him to a piece of lumber that Joel had in the back of the truck and drove him down to the emergency room. Riding in the back of the truck down the mountain roads with a possible spinal cord injury is not the best, but he made it. No word today how he is doing.
It was HOT today! I have acclimated to the weather so I didn't really sweat too much, but it was very warm. I am thankful for the little fan my mom sent down with me. It sits right on my desk giving me a nice breeze. The boys were crazy today. Yesterday it was Dean that was driving me crazy and Ian was doing his work pretty well. Today it was the opposite! Dean was doing his work and Ian was all over the place. Not sure what is going on with that kid. His behavior has gone down the tubes big time. I think he is struggling to process Quest's death. They were pretty close and I don't think Ian has the understanding or ability to communicate what he is thinking and feeling. We are hoping to get him in to see a counselor. Pray for Ian. Today ended on a great note! The O'Dell's, Wiley's and I had a "nacho" night down at the O'Dell's house. We had all the fixing for good old nachos! It tasted so good to eat something besides rice! Joyel also bought 2 pies (apple & cherry) and ice cream! It was great! It was nice to have the time away from the kids and be able to spend time together as a team. It was a great time of fellowship. Now I am exhausted! It's past my bedtime, but at least I get to sleep in tomorrow!! Tomorrow is Jodi-Ann's birthday party. Not sure what we are doing. GOing downtown to eat I think, but not sure! I'm sure it will be fun!

Emmaunel, Dontae & Matthew being monsters!

Ian & Dean in school

My classroom ready for the first day of school

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