Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feeling overwhelmed...

October 5, 2010

Well, we were without power for 7 days or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes take your pick. What ever one you choose, it was a LONG time! We were so thankful to get power back yesterday afternoon around 3 pm. We all jumped for joy! There were a few tears shed out of shear relief that we could return to "normal". We all pulled out our computers and tried to catch up on what had happened during the last week. We did laundry and anything else that we couldn't do this last week because of not having power. We all went to bed exhausted but very excited that the power had returned. I woke up around 2:30 am to the sound of the generator kicking on. I almost cried… NO POWER AGAIN!!! So we had 11 1/2 hours of power before it went out again. Not sure we can go another 7 days without power. I am not sure we can go 1 more day! We are all so worn out. As I am writing this, I am about ready to cry. I am so overwhelmed by everything right now. I read Romans 5:3-5 this morning knowing that I needed a good "rejoice in your sufferings" reminder. I know that suffering produces endurance, but I am not sure how much more we can endure. Lord, I know that your grace is sufficient and your power is made perfect in our weakness. We are weak and unable to stand unless you give us strength. Please give us strength to endure until we get power back.

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